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Volume 1, Number 3 03 February 1988
| |
| - C News - |
| |
| International |
| C Programming & Compiler Review |
| Newsletter |
| |
US Office:
Editor at large Barry Lynch
Assistant Editor Ami Dworkin
Technical Editor Marshall Presnell
Australian Office:
Editor David Nugent
C News is published bi-weekly by the C BBS as its official
newsletter. You are encouraged to submit articles for publication
in C News. Articles should be related to C programming and can be
Tutorials, reviews or articles of interest to the C programming
community. All Operating systems are fairly represented and this
newsletter shows no favoritism to any one in particular. Instruct-
ions on how to submit articles for publication is included on the
last page.
C News is the property of the C BBS and is Copyright 1988 by the
the C BBS. All rights are reserved and distribution is limited to
electronic distribution and personal printed copies. C News cannot
be resold at any profit, by any organization. All material enclosed
within the newsletter is the opinions of the writers and not the
C BBS or it's Sysop.
C News 1-02 03 Feb 1988
The Heap: messages from the editor.................... 1
Foreign Distribution Points, New columns, New number
TurboC 1.5 official patch ................................ 3
Magazine Review's
by Barry Lynch ........................................ 4
MINIX: What is it?
by Barry Lynch ........................................ 6
C Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications ............ 7
by James Milne
Programming in Windows .................................. 8
by Barry Lynch
Public Domain: .......................................... 9
by David Nugent
Article Submission Standards ............................. 13
Address's ............................................... 14
USER Response Form ....................................... 15
8. INDEX ................................................... 16
C News 1-02 Page 1 03 Feb 1988
The HEAP: Messages from the Editor.
To ease the distribution of C News to our foreign readers, two
Fido/OPus systems have offered to be the distribution points for
their respective countries. In Australia, David Nugent - Sysop
of Alpha Centuri - will be carrying this newsletter on a regular
basis. In Canada, Robert Bowman - Sysop of Another BBS - will be the
distribution point for canadian readers. Hopefully, other BBS's
will join the distribution list.
Issue 3 of C News continues the expansion charge. A couple
of new columns are included for the first time in this issue. One,
Short Snips - are a collection of one page articles on a variety of
subjects. This month we list the contents of a couple of programming
magazines, and define MINIX. If you have idea for an article for Short
Snips, send it to me via the variety of addresses listed and we will
see if we can include it in a future issue.
David Nugent - our man about town in Australia - has begun a
series of reviews of Public Domain/Shareware software. He will
be reviewing on a regular basis, most of what is available and
placing his comments in his regular column.
As some of you know, the C BBS now has a new phone number. Due
to a recent move the C BBS has changed to (703)-998-8377. This was
effective 1/23/88 and a message has been placed on the old number as
a reminder.
I threatened to do this a few weeks ago, while chatting with
a user on-line. So, here goes: The C BBS will begin a series of
programming projects which will encompass all stages of software
engineering. From the initial design phase, to specifications, to
coding , testing and a release version. This section is intended
to help out all users by providing the complete picture, not just
the code. < Originally, I intended to start this project in this
issue. But moving and the Flu have delayed the start. I tried to
get the initial articles completed, but was unable to. So I
C News 1-02 Page 2 03 Feb 1988
decided to include the first articles in the next issue. >
INDEX, et al ...
The C News letter has also added an Index, so that readers can
see what material has been covered by which issue. This will be
updated with each issue. I have also included with this issue of
C News the official patch from Borland for TurboC version 1.5.
Should save a few of you the aggravation of tracking it down on
BBS's. Also, a user response form has been designed and included.
I hope that a few of you will take the time to fill it out and send
it in.
I hope that the changes to C News will be welcomed by the readers,
if you have suggestions on how this Newsletter can be improved. Then
send your comments to the address's included at the end of this issue.
B C'ing U..
C News 1-02 Page 3 03 Feb 1988
******************** Borland International **********************
DATE : 13 January 1988
TITLE : Patch disk for initgraph
This disk contains the files necessary to path the medium, large
and huge Turbo C libraries for a situation where initgraph may
cause a program to halt execution requiring a re-boot.
*** Editors Note: The arc file is included with this newsletter.
C News 1-02 Page 4 03 Feb 1988
**** Editor's Note: Starting in this issue a review of the latest
C programming related magazines will be featured. For some readers
going to the local bookstore to see what is available is a chore, so
this section will highlight the contents of the latest issues of:
Dr. Dobb's, Computer Language et al..
One thing that has always bothered me is the lack of time that
I have for reading. With over 20 magazine/journal subscriptions,
finding time to read all of the monthly issues can be a chore. So, I
have started a review of the contents of all of the latest issues of
popular magazines. Alot of new C programmers will be unfamiliar with
the periodicals that are available here in the US, and this might
provide an insight into what is out there to be browsed.
Magazine: Computer Language
Publisher: Miller Freeman Publications
Published: Monthly cost $3.50 US & $4.50 Canadian
Subject Matter: Programming Languages
Issue: Vol 5 No 2 - Fourth Annual C Issue. Feb 88
As the issue line indicates this the annual C issue of Computer
Language, and therefore contains numerous articles on Compilers,
TSR's, Porting C and many other aspects of the language. Listed
below is the table of Contents:
Writing Terminate and Stay Resident Programs in TurboC.
Interfacing C and ASM.
An Incremental Compilation Package in C
Porting C programs
Not a bad variety of topics, source code examples are included with
the TSR article, C&ASM and Incremental C. Overall, this is an
excellent issue, but previous experience with other issues has
shown that C is not always as well covered as in the issue: hence
the annual issue. The source listings are available from a
variety of BBS's and Compuserve.
C News 1-02 Page 5 03 Feb 1988
Magazine: Dr. Dobb's Journal of Software Tools
Publisher: M&T Publishing
Published: Monthly, cost $2.95 US & $3.95 Canadian
Subject Matter: Programming Languages
Issue: No 136 Feb 88
Dr. Dobb's is known as a programmer's journal and is very good in
covering technical matter and programming issues in general. This
month's issue contains:
Debugging the 386
Making Serial Links work
C Chest: Storing & Reclaiming program variables.
Source code from the articles contained within, is available on
the Compuserve Sig DDJ.
*** Editors Note: As this is the first short at this type of
article. The format may change with time, eventually I
would like to just give a short-synopsis of each magazine
instead of a full review. (Let me know your thoughts on
this subject.
C News 1-02 Page 6 03 Feb 1988
SHORT SNIPS - MINIX: What is it? by Barry Lynch
On some of the BBS around the country you will see
some dedicated message/file areas dedicated to the topic of
MINIX. What is MINIX? This short snip will attempt to explain this
topic to users/readers who have no idea as to what it is.
At first glance, the name MINIX, appears to resemble UNIX, or
XENIX. Therefore an educated guess as to MINIX being some sort of
Operating System(OS) is right on the money. MINIX is the work of
Andrew Tannebuam and some of his students. It is based on AT&T's
UNIX and is for the most part is written in C, like UNIX. A book
is available that explains operating systems in good technical detail,
with items concerning MINIX highlighted. The book is hardcover
available from better book stores or from the publisher- Prentice
Hall directly. The book is called:
Operating Systems: Design and Implementation
by Andrew Tannebaum.
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN No: 0-13-637406-9
The MINIX op system itself is also available from the publisher,
and of this writing version 1.2 was being shipped in limited
quantities. Additional reading on MINIX can be found on USENET in
"comp.os.minix". The author is a regular contributor and you can make
suggestions, report mites or congratulate or admonish him to your
C News 1-02 Page 7 03 Feb 1988
C Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications.
Author : Joe Campbell.
Publisher : Howard W. Sams & Company. Indianapolis. 1987.
Cost : $22.95 (US$) - $54.95 (Aust$)
This book is a aimed at providing the programmer with all the tools and
knowledge needed in practical work with serial comms and RS232
interfaces. It is a markedly micro-computer book but thankfully not an
exclusively IBM compatible.
The book starts very steadily, going carefully through the true facts of
ASCII, the history of serial communications, error detection, file
transfer, modems (including smart ones) and UARTS. All this is done
without touching on programming or C code which makes it an excellent
book for anyone dealing with Serial Comms, not just C programmers.
In the second half of the book the C code starts and the author attempts
to develope a set of 'virtual' UART functions to enable portability
between the endless variety of UARTs available. I cannot give fair
comment on this part of the book because I am still working my way
through the code, but the fact that I am investing the time in using the
authors code is some indication of the credibility I give to the Author.
The book is well written with a good sense of humor and very readable.
Anyone who has had much dealing with serial comms will be familiar with
90% of the books content - however the coverage is complete and that
extra 10% is well worth the purchase price.
James Milne
Melbourne, Australia
C News 1-02 Page 8 03 Feb 1988
Programming With Windows
Author : Tim Farrel
Publisher : Que Corporation.
Cost : $22.95 (US$)
ISBN No:0-88022-299-9
I have finally found a book that was written by a Windows
programmer who experienced the agony of this subject. Programming
in Windows is no picnic. First your code must be in C or Pascal
and then you integrate with the Microsoft Libraries that constitute
the actual Windows development kit. It must be remembered that
MS Windows is an operating system and when programming in Windows
you are not only writing the application, but communicating with the
Windows OS.
This book contains excellent examples of true workable programs
that can be used by the reader. An example of this is the first
program featured, which is none other that a programmers editor.
Nothing fancy but a good choice for a working example, that allows
you to experiment while using a learning tool. Topics covered
include: Using the Development Tools, Guidelines for Creating
Windows Applications, Creating a Program Editor, Creating menus, and
many others.
All in all, I have found this book to be an excellent source
of information. The documentation provided my Microsoft is
excellent technically, but not does teach the material. This book
fills that void nicely.
Barry Lynch
C News 1-02 Page 9 03 Feb 1988
*** Editor's Note: This section is brought to us by the users
of the Alpha Centuri BBS in Melbourne, Australia.
<< Thanks, David >>
File Name: BPLUS11.ARC
This file provides a full set of routines for creating and
maintaining index files using the Binary Tree ISAM B+ technique.
These classic algorithms support the fastest known indexing
system so far devised for manipulation of random access data
The routines are complete in themselves and are very useful,
supporting up to 8 levels of keys. Some prior knowledge of
binary tree theory and techniques is a must to gain the maximum
benefit from the package, which comes with full C source. This
is a later version (1.1) of the original public domain BPLUS
One drawback of the packages, as I see it, is the inability to
handle non-ASCII keys. However, with some work, it is possible
to modify the routines to work with any kind of data field,
depending upon specific requirements. This, however, adds a
degree of complexity which the author seemed to avoid in the
interests of clarity.
Overall, an excellent package, not at all compiler specific. It
is both fast and flexible, providing excellent algorithms for
searching a sequencing by key values. Certainly it aided me in
coming to grips with ISAM file techniques, as all these are
provided. A couple of short demos are thrown in for good
measure, showing how index files are created and maintained.
Source code: Yes - no executables.
Language: C
Compiler: K & R standard code, suitable for most compilers.
Filename: CASM.ARC
If there was one wish that I wanted granted, it would be to allow
inline assembler with MicroSoft's optimising C compiler. It is
one of the few MS-DOS C compilers left which do not support
inline assembly.
C News 1-02 Page 10 03 Feb 1988
Filename Cont': CASM.ARC
Well, that wish was answered when this ARC showed up. It's a
program that enables inline assembler instructions within C
programs, and is specifically directed at MSC 4.0.
Whether you agree with using inline assembler or not, this is
well worth taking a look at. Imagine not having to call a
separate routine to enable/disable maskable interrupts! Just do
it "inline"!
In addition to MSC 4.0 (probably works with MSC 5.0, too, but I
haven't tried it), MASM 4.0 or above is also required. It seems
to work by "filtering" the C source prior to submitting it to the
preprocessor, assembling it separately, them merging the two into
a single .OBJ file. Very ingenious.
Source: No, executable only (pity).
Language: C, MSC/MASM 4.0+ required.
Filename: DOCU.ARC
This is an excellent way to manage C projects and have them self
documenting. The documentation is placed in the .C and .H files
themselves (it is NOT limited only to C source, but the way) and
extracted using this utility. Just mark the block with a heading
and a footer, surrounded by C (other language) comment
A real BARGAIN at the price! B-)
By the way, this program was uploaded by the author himself to
this BBS. Thanks James!
Source included: Yes - No executables.
Language: C
Compiler Required: Originally intended for Turbo C, but would be
a trivial port to most other compilers. Get Turbo's header files
from a friend though, if you intend to port it; there are some
structure declarations specific to Turbo C, but other compilers
have equivalents.
C News 1-02 Page 11 03 Feb 1988
This seemed an interesting file when I downloaded it, but it is
unfortunately incomplete.
The file contains C and ASM source for a memory resident pop-up
calculator/alarm utility, and shows "how its done". It also
includes an example printf() function to show how a standard
function interprets control strings and parses a variable number
of arguments.
As a learning tool, this file is worth the download. As a
complete application - forget it. I was MOST disappointed that
the critical TSR.ASM source file was missing: the one which does
all the initialization, hot-key setup and TSR call. However, the
file does include some nifty routines to make it interesting,
including some general-purpose windowing routines, screen/buffer
save routines (in ASM), an on-screen calculator (in C), and a no-
wait keyboard input routine.
Source included: Well, MOST if it. Also includes OBJs but no
Compiler: Written for MSC 3.0 or 4.0 (probably 5.0, but I
haven't received my update yet!). Would take some hacking for
other compilers, but individual routines would be useful.
Filename: NUC-SUBR.ARC
This is an update for the earlier review file C-SUBR.ARC, and is
the third in the series (the first, not reviewed, is CSUBR.ARC,
also on this system).
This file contains further sometimes useful handy routines for
the C programmer. Source only, some ASM, some C. If you do
download these files, ensure you write a short doc for yourself
and keep it somewhere handy to remind you that you have them -
REAL time savers on occasion. If fact, after you write the doc,
why not upload it. I'll include it with the set of three in a
single downloadable ARC! (now that's an invitation!)
Some of this subroutines in the package include: a subroutine
to parse upper/lowercase letters, count bits in a byte (how's
that for bit-picking!), calculate the nth power of an integer,
demo of various type conversions, different ways for copying i/o
channels (good benchmarks, if you're interested in finding out
C News 1-02 Page 12 03 Feb 1988
Filename: NUC-SUBR.ARC cont'
what's best for *your* compiler), and a routine to count
different character types in a file and return stats. Nothing
over-awing, but nevertheless useful.
These routines were born under the BSD CP/M compiler. Before you
groan too load, most routines are completely portable to other
environments, and are good samples of C programming pre se.
Source included: that's it, that's all. 55 files in all.
Compiler: Apart from two or three files, pure K&R stuff.
Filename: TP_TO_QC.ARC
This file is a VERY LATEST RELEASE, December 1987, and comes all
the way from Dublin, Ireland.
In short, it is a set of programs which enable Turbo Pascal
programs to be converted directly into MS-Quick C. It comes
with two programs (it is apparently a two-pass process) and an
include file which is called by the converted program. This
defines several macros that makes the code quite readable.
I cannot verify that this program works (yet: I'm STILL waiting
for my upgrade!), so I would appreciate any comments from anyone
who downloads it. It also comes with a Quick C library. From
all comments from the States, this program is capable of porting
a complete Turbo application to C with LITTLE OR NO extra hacking
required. I ran this on a couple of TP programs and I could not
fault it. It did not compile under MSC 4.0, though, because this
compiler lacks some of the MSC 5.0 features etc. I'll be able to
give it the acid test in a couple of weeks.
As a point of interest, the program converts only to large model
C programs. This attempts to preserve pointer compatibility
between the two languages (TP ALWAYS uses 2-word pointers). Some
of Turbo's advanced features are not supported, and these must be
implemented differently in C.
Source included: Executables only.
Compiler: Strictly MSC 5.0 and Quick C only. Libraries use the
Quick C format. Also requires MS Overlay Linker 3.61 or above
(which comes with QC 1.0 & MSC 5.0).
C News 1-02 Page 13 03 Feb 1988
As I have repeatedly stated in this newsletter and previous
issues, I would like to see user-submitted articles, reviews or
questions. Listed below are the standards that should be
followed to make my job easier as an editor.
- Articles should be submitted in a ASCII non-formatted
- If the article include code fragments as examples. Then
you can include the entire source file if you like for
inclusion with the newsletter.
- Book or magazine reviews should follow the same format,
that is outlined in this issue. The publisher, author,
title, and ISBN number are a must.
- Compiler/and or product reviews, should include the
version number and manufacture. If possible, reviews
should include a sample program with benchmarks.
If you have any questions you can contact me at the
address's included on the next page.
C News 1-02 Page 14 03 Feb 1988
The C BBS is located at:
% BCL Limited
P.O. Box 9162
McLean VA, 22102
or you can send netmail to:
1:109/713 < The phone number in the current nodelist is
inaccurate. At this time it is not known
when it will be corrected. >
My home phone number is :
(703) 998-8350.
C News 1-02 Page 15 03 Feb 1988
This form will be included as a regular feature in all future
issues of C NEWS.
What did you think of the content of this Issue? _____________
What improvements can you think of that would make C News a
better tool for the C Community?
What is your favorite section or sections? ___________________
What don't you like about C News? ____________________________
Additional Comments: _________________________________________
C News 1-02 Page 16 03 Feb 1988
Subject: Issue:
TurboC and Interrupts: A few Questions 2
Book Reviews:
C Database Development 1
C Programming Guide 1
C Programming Language 1
C Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications 3
C Programmer's Library 1
C Primer Plus 1
C the Complete Reference 2
Crafting C Tools for the IBM PC 2
Learning to Program in C 1
Microsoft C Programming on the IBM PC 1
Programming in Windows 3
Reliable Data Structures in C 1
TurboC Programmer's Reference Book 2
QuickC 1
Software Reviews:
Bplus11.arc 3
Casm.arc 3
Docu.arc 3
Mscpopup.arc 3
Nuc-subr.arc 3
Tp_to_qc.arc 3